Supplier Invoice Reconciliation


The Supplier Invoice Reconciliation option is used to generate an invoice for payment to a supplier based on previously entered hour transactions for employees and equipment that are linked to a supplier code.

This step is a part of the supplier hours’ reconciliation process. During transfer, purchase invoices are generated in the Project Purchase option. They can be modified if needed, and must be transferred to accounting to reverse accrued expenses and generate the supplier account. For more information, refer to the How-To? document titled Reconciling Supplier Hours.







Use to

Invoice selected suppliers

Generate a project purchase transaction by supplier for each selected supplier, if the user answers Yes.

Display billable transactions

Display transactions with the Billable and On Hold status.

Display non-billable transactions

Display transactions with the Non-Billable status.

Reverse non-billable transactions

Reverse non-billable transactions by a project-to-project transfer, reversing non-invoiced accrued expenses.

The project, activity and group used for the project-to-project transfer are the ones entered in the ProjectsConfiguration, under the Reversal of accrued not invoiced section.

Transactions with the Reversed status are treated like invoiced transactions and do not appear on the Supplier Invoice Reconciliation Report, unless they were reversed after the date of the report.

Mass Status Change

Modify the status of several transactions for the selected supplier.




maestro* > Projects > Project Costing > Supplier Reconciliation > Supplier Invoice Reconciliation


Reconcile a Supplier's Invoice

Parameter Selection Window
  1. Select one or more Supplier to be invoiced.
  2. Select a Date Range or a Period for the transactions to be invoiced.


If no date is mentioned, maestro* analyzes all transactions for which the employee or equipment is linked to a supplier and that have not yet been invoiced. Entering a date range reduces the processing time.

  1. Select the status of the transactions to be invoiced.
  2. Click Accept.
Supplier Invoice Reconciliation Window
  1. Confirm the transactions for each supplier and change the Status as required.

Only the Status column can be changed in the transaction list.





Indicates the action to be taken for each transaction.

Available values: 


The transaction will be invoiced and included in the Project Purchase transaction on transfer.

NOTE: The Billable status is the default value.


The transaction will never be invoiced by the supplier.

NOTE: If a transaction’s status is changed for Non-Billable, the transaction appears under the Display non-billable transactions icon after saving. From this file, it is possible to modify the transaction’s status again or to reverse it.

On Hold

The transaction will not be invoiced immediately, but it will be displayed again the next time supplier invoices are reconciled (when reopening the option).


The Labour, Bonus and Equipment totals display the sum of costs for Billable transactions.

  1. Adjust the amounts in the Adjustment for supplier XXXXX section if needed.

This section is used to balance the current transaction with the invoice received from the supplier, in the event the latter did not charge the amounts exactly as they appear on billable transactions or that fees were added to the invoice. Values are transferred to the project purchase transaction and appear on a distinct line. The line must be completed by the user.

  1. Select the suppliers to be invoiced in the Selected column.

It is possible to save the selections made and return to them later by clicking the Save icon. The next time suppliers’ invoices are reconciled, the status will be displayed based on the last time the transactions were saved.

  1. Click the Invoice selected suppliers icon.

The invoice created is accessible in the Project Purchase option and must be transferred by the user.

About the project purchase transaction created:

  • Transactions used to generate the project purchase are summarized on one line by transaction type (Labour, Bonus, Equipment). Total amount of the invoice includes all the selected transactions.
  • If adjustment is entered, it appears on a distinct line.
  • It is possible to delete a non-transferred project purchase linked to the Supplier Invoice Reconciliation option. Transactions used to generate this project purchase will then be available for reconciliation again.
  • If the amount of the supplier's invoice differs from the amount calculated by maestro*, based on the selected transactions, it is possible to make changes to the invoice before transferring it.
  1. Click Quit.


See also


Last modification: February 27, 2025